Services and Technology
Comprehensive Eye Exam
If you’ve had a vision screening recently, you might say, “My vision is fine! I don’t need a comprehensive eye exam.”
Contact Lens Exam
If you’ve never worn contact lenses before, it can seem a bit intimidating. After all, you’re inserting something into your eye!
What to Expect During an Eye Exam
The parts of a comprehensive eye examination vary according to the patient’s age, date of last exam, and other factors.
Refraction Test
A refraction test, also called a vision test, is usually performed as a part of a routine eye examination.
Diabetic Related Eye Exams
You have almost certainly heard of diabetes, which is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the United States
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration, commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is the single largest cause of sight
Pink Eye
When you were a kid, did you experience your eyes become reddish and all of a sudden, someone close to you was also suffering from it?
The Demodex mite is a type of parasite that lives on humans and can reside in hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
Low Vision
Low vision is a term for conditions that result in reduced sight and cannot entirely be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses
Eye Emergencies
Eye emergencies cover a range of incidents and conditions such as; trauma, cuts, scratches, foreign objects in the eye
If you’ve been diagnosed with cataracts, you may wonder if cataract surgery is right around the corner. Not to worry.
Glaucoma Testing
You might be surprised at how many tests eye doctors use to diagnose glaucoma. A proper diagnosis requires careful evaluation
Visual Field
Visual field testing is crucial for detecting conditions like glaucoma and monitoring vision loss. Learn more about this non-invasive procedure here.
Learn about tonometry testing, a crucial eye exam that measures intraocular pressure, vital for detecting glaucoma early and preserving your vision.
Optomap for Retinal Imaging
Discover Optomap—the cutting-edge retinal imaging that revolutionizes your eye exam! Get a wider, clearer view of your eye health without the hassle of dilation drops.
Optikam’s technology revolutionizes eyewear dispensing, with the OptikamPad app and OPD device providing precise measurements for a customized fit.